

Welcome to my website. Documenting special events and adventures throughout the years. I hope you can stay a while - make yourself at home. 

Day 15: December 10, 2019

Half way there!

  • With two weeks down and two weeks to go I took new photos, measurements, and weigh-ins. Photos can be found below and detailed numbers here, but here’s my quick summary:

    • Weigh-in has be up 2 lbs from the week before so a total of 8.6 lbs gained in two weeks. Body fat content went up again but not as much as in week one compared to week two.

    • Total body inches only moved a total of a half inch from last week to this week.

    • Photos show a little bit of a difference, especially in the chest/arms and legs department, but nothing crazy so far.

  • Overall the check-in at week 2 looks pretty similar to that of week 1. It’s very possible this could be due to my inconsistent diet this past weekend, or it could have to do with water intake which I really have not been watching as diligently as I should be. So for week three the plan is to get the diet back through varying the meals more frequently, and paying closer attention to how much water I take in a day.

  • Let’s see if we can put in a week of hard work and bust through this plateau!

Day 18: December 13, 2019

Day 14: December 9, 2019