

Welcome to my website. Documenting special events and adventures throughout the years. I hope you can stay a while - make yourself at home. 

Day 14: December 9, 2019

Push day 3!

  • Got into the gym today after 3 long days off and was really excited to be lifting again. All the weights increased by 10 pounds again and it started to feel like I was really being pushed to my limits. For nearly all of the exercises (especially the upper body ones) I was maxed out right at 7 reps and failed on the 8th. I was happy to complete the 7th rep for each exercise as my eating habits weren’t the best in the days prior, but I’m interested to see how things shake out for the fourth push workout.

    • Incline Chest Press: 70 lb - 8.3 reps

    • Shoulder Press: 70 lb - 8.3 reps

    • Pec Deck: 95 lb - 9.4 reps

    • Leg Press: 220 lb - 13.0 reps

    • Calf Raises: 90 lb - 10.4 reps

  • Appetite came back just a little today for dinner, but that’s likely because with the schedule I had I had to pretty much skip lunch aside for a shake. Had sort of a double dinner of pasta and multiple shakes which was probably around 1600 calories that i was able to put down across a couple hours.

  • Excited to see new photos and measurements tomorrow!

Day 15: December 10, 2019

Day 13: December 8, 2019