Today I worked for money for the first time in nearly half a year! Here’s how it went.
Woke up in the morning and actually did have some muscle soreness in my back, likely from the rows. Other than that the rest of my muscles feel great from the last pull workout.
Today I worked as a stage hand/production help for a music festival to benefit a charity in Chicago. In terms of how it affected the program, there wasn’t too much intense manual labor so I don’t think it had any major impact on recovery/rest. As for eating, it was a little more difficult to keep up with the diet as all of our meals were catered. I tried my best to have a big shake before, one during, and one after, in addition to the Portillos that was catered. I think I still hit all of the calories but was not able to nail the supplement timing all day. I still took all the supps but for example the ALA and the Cissus were not exactly before I ate a whole food meal.