

Welcome to my website. Documenting special events and adventures throughout the years. I hope you can stay a while - make yourself at home. 

Day 9: December 4, 2019

I’m starting to feel bigger…

  • In terms of size there’s some noticeable differences going on now. Quickly outgrowing my pants and my arms have definitely never felt this beefy. I was surprised to find that after some of these heavier workouts I’m still not really feeling any huge muscle soreness, but that may have to do with the minimum effective dose (MED) principle that this workout is built on. I guess if I go to failure but not past it then there may be a reduction in DOMs? Certainly seems to be that way.

  • Today, I finally changed up the diet. I just couldn’t stomach the massive whole food meals at lunch and dinner. So I took the whole food portion of lunch, split it amongst lunch and dinner, and had two more shakes, one with lunch and one with dinner. Still right around 3200 to 3400 calories just much more liquid which for me is considerably more enjoyable. I think I’ll stick with this for now assuming I continue to see progress with this level of calories. I may need to up them a bit after week 2 is over given I’ll have a new target for lean mass, that being 165 instead of the current 160 due to the significant increase in lean mass from the first two weeks.

  • Supplements are all good still and no issues there.

Day 10: December 5, 2019

Day 8: December 3, 2019