

Welcome to my website. Documenting special events and adventures throughout the years. I hope you can stay a while - make yourself at home. 

Day 2: November 27, 2019

Day two saw no workout and a continuation of the onslaught of food. Here’s how it went down:

  • Woke up in the morning and the shake went down pretty easily as it usually does. The plain bagel with peanut butter is a slog to get through though. Thinking to get something different after I get through this pack of 5.

  • Afternoon meals and supplements continue to go down well. At this point I feel pretty on point with everything except for water - hard to tell if I’m getting enough with all the food and supplements I’m taking in each day. I have about 12 ounces every 2 hours with the glutamine but I know the supplement needs that water to digest as well so I might need to ramp up the water intake.

  • At night, I played in the alumni water polo game at York. Initially I was planning to take it easy and not play too much as I didn’t want to over exert some of the major muscle groups I’d just trained the day before like the delts, and I didn’t want to burn a ton of calories which can happen in a heartbeat during water polo. First couple quarters I took it pretty easy in the pool, but as the game got tighter I just couldn’t resist playing a bit more and with more intensity. Our team scored the go-ahed goal with a minute left in the game, but went on to lose in heartbreak fashion by letting up two goals in under a minute. Still super fun to get back in and hang with all the guys.

  • After the game, I experienced my first moment of needing to eat while I was out with friends. I brought my chicken, quinoa, and veggies in a huge container, and after being at the bar for a bit, dipped out into the car to stuff down the meal. Certainly an unsustainable process in the long run but kind of fun for now.

  • Had about a beer and a half while out with the gang. I’ve decided I’m going to try to limit alcohol as much as possible during this, and that’ll probably be my limit going forward as I think one to two beers on a given night won’t slow progress too much with all the other food I’m taking in each day.

Day 3: November 28, 2019

Day 1: November 26, 2019